A short video clip showing the trunk of the tree up and into the branches.
A short video clip showing the trunk of the tree up and into the branches.
Pictures of The Big Old 2St Tree
Please Feel Free to print your own Window Poster
for www.SaveOld2StTree.org
Here is a link below where you can download the PDF File and then print it.
SaveOld2StTree.org Window Poster
and share with your friends and neighbors.
Thank You,
The Big Old 2 St Tree
The Images below reflect the before and have view of the trimming of the tree that the developer will be doing to build the 3 story small house. This post shows side-views of before and after the developer cuts tree at the property line.
We will have to cut the balance of the tree due to an unbalance in the structure of the tree.
You are going to have to get the tree off my property side when I build my work shed.
If the tree is on my side, I can trim that, correct?
Did you get a quote for cutting down the tree?
Click on the Image Below to Read and Sign the Petition
Please don’t forget to sign and share our petition to save small open spaces in new developments in Philadelphia.
We got a visitor on May 10, 2016. I guess the Big Tree looked welcoming to the local neighborhood possum.
4 Month old sister kittens, Bubbles and Heart, watching the birds in the Big Old 2St Tree. They are rescues from a neighbor in Queens Village. They love sitting in the stairs and looking out the window at the birds in the tree.
Listening to the wind rustling the leaves and the local birds chirping away.
Ever since we adopted Cookie 5 years ago, she has loved the Big Tree. Mom and her have finally divided up their shares of the tree floor. I truly think she will miss the tree, if we lose it.
She loves the natural cooling a big shade tree provides and not to mention the dirt.
To learn more about adopting Great Pry’s please check out
National Great Pyrenees Rescue (www.nationalpyr.org)
Below is Cookie caught in the action burying a bone in Mom’s flower bed around the tree. This was the start of the great battle. The photos above are of the agreed to truce.